Bawang is a perennial that originally came from central
Asia, and is now grown throughout the world. It can grow from 30 to 60 centimeters high. True stem is much
reduced. Bulbs are broadly ovoid, 2 to 4 centimeters in diameter, consisting of
several, densely crowded, angular and truncated tubers. Each bulbs is made up of 4 - 20 cloves, and each clove
weighs about 1 gram. Leaves are
linear and flat. Umbels are globose, many flowered. Sepals are oblong, greenish
white, slightly tinged with purple. Stamens are not exerted from the
perianth. It is best
known as a flavoring for food. But over the years, garlic has been used as a
medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. (VIII, XIII, XIV)
Family: Liliaceae
Scientific name: Allium sativum
Common name: Ajos (Span., Bis.)
Garlic (Engl.)
(Source: XI)

Parts used:
Leaves (Fresh)Bulb (dried or fresh)
Active Constituents
The chemistry of garlic is quite complex and likely developed as a self-protective mechanism against microorganisms and other insults. The primary sulfur-containing constituents in whole, intact garlic are the γ-glutamyl-S-alk(en)yl-L-cysteines and S-alk(en)yl-L-cysteine sulfoxides, including alliin. The γ-glutamyl peptides are biosynthetic intermediates for corresponding cysteine sulfoxides(Lancaster and Shaw 1989). Whole garlic typically contains ∼1% alliin, together with (+)-S-methyl-L- cysteine sulfoxide (methiin) and (+)-S-(trans-1-propenyl)-L-cysteine sulfoxide. S-(2-Carboxypropyl)glutathione, γ-glutamyl-S-allyl-L-cysteine, γ-glutamyl-S-(trans-1-propenyl)-L-cysteine and γ-glutamyl-S-allyl-mercapto-L-cysteine are also present in garlic cloves (Fenwick and Hanley 1985, Sugii et al. 1964). Additional constituents of intact garlic include the following: steroidal glycosides (Matsuura et al. 1988), lectins (Kaku et al. 1992), prostaglandins, fructan, pectin, essential oil, adenosine, vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, C and E, biotin, nicotinic acid, fatty acids, glycolipids, phospholipids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenolics and essential amino acids (Fenwick and Hanley 1985).Traditional use
Garlic is one of the oldest plants to be widely used as a medicine. In most corners of the world, it is regarded as an aphrodisiac. Its medical qualities have been recognized since ancient times and feature widely in traditional remedies.
Some of the most popular traditional uses of garlic have been for colds, flu and other infections, earaches, vaginal yeast infections, and high blood pressure. (VII)
In the Philippines, bulbs used for hypertension. Also used as diuretic, and eaten fresh or burned for coughs in children.
- Arthritis, rheumatism, toothaches: Crush several cloves and rub on affected areas.
- Crush clove applied to both temples as poultice for headache.
- Crush garlic or cut clove crosswise and rub directly to areas of insect bites.
- Decoction of leaves and bulbs for fever and as hypotensive, carminative, expectorant, and antihelmintic.
- Juice from freshly crushed garlic used for colds, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, asthma and bronchitis.
- Decoction use for tonsillitis.
- Steam inhalation of chopped garlic and a teaspoon of vinegar in boiling water used for nasal congestion.
- Fresh garlic has been used as a complement to INH therapy for tuberculosis. In Mexico, fresh bulb is eaten as a preventive for tuberculosis.
- In India, garlic juice diluted in water, applied externally to prevent hair from turning grey.
- Diluted juice used for earaches and deafness.
- In the Antilles, used as vermifuge.
- Also used for menstrual cramps.
- Used for digestive problems and gastrointestinal spasms.
- Infusion of a peeled broiled clove used for gas pains.
- Juice of bulb with common salt applied to bruises and sprains; also used for neuralgia and earache.
- Rubbed over ringworm for soothing effect.
- In WWI, fresh raw juice was used as antiseptic for control of wound suppuration.
(Source: VIII)
- Arthritis, rheumatism, toothaches: Crush several cloves and rub on affected areas.
- Crush clove applied to both temples as poultice for headache.
- Crush garlic or cut clove crosswise and rub directly to areas of insect bites.
- Decoction of leaves and bulbs for fever and as hypotensive, carminative, expectorant, and antihelmintic.
- Juice from freshly crushed garlic used for colds, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, asthma and bronchitis.
- Decoction use for tonsillitis.
- Steam inhalation of chopped garlic and a teaspoon of vinegar in boiling water used for nasal congestion.
- Fresh garlic has been used as a complement to INH therapy for tuberculosis. In Mexico, fresh bulb is eaten as a preventive for tuberculosis.
- In India, garlic juice diluted in water, applied externally to prevent hair from turning grey.
- Diluted juice used for earaches and deafness.
- In the Antilles, used as vermifuge.
- Also used for menstrual cramps.
- Used for digestive problems and gastrointestinal spasms.
- Infusion of a peeled broiled clove used for gas pains.
- Juice of bulb with common salt applied to bruises and sprains; also used for neuralgia and earache.
- Rubbed over ringworm for soothing effect.
- In WWI, fresh raw juice was used as antiseptic for control of wound suppuration.
(Source: VIII)
Pharmacological Activity
1. Anti microbial effects
- Antibacterial
Allicin and other sulfur compounds are thought to be the major compounds responsible for the antimicrobial effect of garlic. Garlic is effective against a number of gram-negative, gram-positive, and acid-fast bacteria, including Staphylococcus, Salmonella,Vibrio, Mycobacteria, and Proteus species (7). Aqueous, ethanol and chloroform extracts of garlic inhibited the growth of the pathogenic bacteria, though with varying degrees of susceptibility. The gram positive Staphylococcus aureus was more susceptible to the toxic effects of garlic than its gram negative counterparts. It has been shown that the aqueous extract of garlic can be used alongside conventional antibiotics to fight agents of nosocomial infections that are so prevalent in hospitals (5). An in vitrostudy on the effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of garlic against specific bacteria such as Escherichia coli and sal. typhi showed that the aqueous extract had little or no inhibition while the ethanolic extract had a higher inhibitory effect. Allicin in its pure form was found to exhibit antibacterial activity against multidrug-resistant enterotoxicogenic strains of E. coli (10). In another study, the aqueous extract exhibited antibacterial activity against gram positive (Bacillus subtilis, Staph. aureus) and Gram negative (E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae) strains, while methanol extract showed antimicrobial activity against all the tested microorganisms except Stap. aureus (11).
Garlic ethanolic extract showed maximum activity against B. subtilis (12). Allitridi, a proprietary garlic derivative, has been successfully used to treat systemic bacterial infections (such as Helicobacter pylori) in China (13). It was shown in another study that the extract of garlic strongly inhibits Sal. enteritidis; however Staph. aureus showed less sensitivity (14). It has been shown that Gram-negative diarrheagenic pathogens (E. coli, Shigella sp, Salmonella sp, and Pro. mirabilis) from stool samples were highly sensitive to garlic (2). The significant antibacterial activity of garlic extract on streptomycin-resistant strains (Gram-positive Staph. aureus and Gram-negative E. coli) solely and in synergism with streptomycin has also been proved (15). In a study by Lai and Roy, fresh extracts of A. sativum (garlic) and Nigella sativum (black cumin) had more antibacterial activity against the isolates of the urinary tract infection, compared to the individual extract or drugs, such as cefalexin, cotrimoxazole, and nalidixic acid (16). Garlic has antibacterial activity against the pig pathogen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 9. The main compound that is suggested to be responsible for this effect of garlic is volatile allyl methyl sulfide (AMS) as a lead compound of volatile garlic metabolites (17). Garlic extract was also effective against Streptococcus mutans when tested both in vitro and in vivo. As Strep. mutans is one of the primary aetiological organisms in dental caries development (18), garlic extract mouth rinse might be used effectively in the prevention of dental caries (19).
- Antifungal
Allicin (diallyl-dithiosulfinate), which is produced by the garlic enzyme alliinase from the alliin, has been shown to have wide-range antifungal specificity. An in vivo study showed that antibody-alliinase conjugates and alliin are effective against murine pulmonary aspergillosis (20). One study showed that allicin from garlic has antifungal activity particularly against Candida albicans (10). Another in vitro study showed both intrinsic antifungal activity of allicin and its synergy with the azoles, in the treatment of candidiasis (21). Studies on the effect of Amphotericin B (AmB) against C. albicansshowed that allicin enhances significantly the effect of AmB against Candida albicans,Saccharomyces cerevisiae and against Aspergillus fumigatus in vitro and in vivo (22,23). It was found in another study that polymyxin B (PMB), is effective against various yeasts and filamentous fungi when used in combination with allicin. This combination increases the plasma membrane permeability in Saccharo cerevisiae. Swollen spherical structure of the yeast disappeared as a result of structural alterations of its vacuole caused by the synergistic activity between PMB and allicin combination (24). A study showed the effects of diallyldisulphide (DADS), one of the components of garlic, on antioxidant systems in Candida species. Changes in antioxidant metabolites and antioxidant activity in the presence of DADS were found in C. albicans and C. tropicalis. DADS caused a decrease in the activity of all antioxidant enzymes except catalase (25). One study showed that six different mixtures of garlic distilled oils containing diallyl disulfide(DDS) and diallyl trisulfide (DTS), are active against a number of yeasts (C. albicans, C. tropicalis and Blastoschizomyces capitatus) (26). Saponins from A. sativum were shown to be effective against Botrytis cinerea and Trichoderma harzianum (8). Essential oil vapors from A. sativum also have inhibitory activity againstAscosphaera apisin in vitro (27). In one study, allicin was shown to be more potent in the growth inhibition of C. albicans and also suppression of HWP1 gene expression in comparison with fluconazole, a commonly used antifungal. This compound does not occur in garlic until it is crushed or injured (21, 28). Ajoene, another constituent of garlic, is responsible for many pharmacological activities of this plant specially its antifungal effect (29). This substance is more effective in association with antifungal drugs (sulfametoxazol/ trimethoprim) in the treatment of mice intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (30). In an in vitro study the growth of both Asper. niger and C. albicans were inhibited by ajoene at <20, ug/ml (31). High zones of inhibition were noted with ethanol extracts of A. sativum tested against dermatophytes, saprophytes, and Candida species isolated from infected hospitalized patients (32). It has been proven that the blockage of lipid synthesis by aqueous extracts of garlic plays an important role in the anticandidal activity of this plant (33). Alcoholic extracts also have potential anticryptococcal activity against murine disseminated cryptococcosis (34). Another study also showed the sensitivity of Cryptococcus neoformans against A. sativum (35). A novel antifungal protein, designated allivin, was isolated from A. sativumwith antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea, Mycosphaerella arachidicola andPhysalosporapiricola (36).
- Anti-parasitic
An ultrastructural study showed that allicin is able to produce morphological changes in the male Schistosoma mansoni (37). Another study indicated that Allicin has antiparasitic activity against Plasmodium falciparum and Trypanosoma brucei brucei(38). It is also effective against some major human intestinal protozoan parasites such asEntamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia (10). Diallyl trisulfide is a chemically stable final transformation product of allicin. The activity of diallyl trisulfide was investigated against several important protozoan parasites in vitro. The results indicated that the compound has the potential to be used in treatment of several human and animal parasitic diseases such as Trypanosoma sp, Ent. histolytica and Giar. lamblia (39). Ajoene isolated from A. sativum is an inhibitor of human glutathione reductase andTrypa. cruzi trypanothione reductase. The antiparasitic and cytostatic actions of ajoene may at least in part be due to the multiple effects on key enzymes of the antioxidant thiol metabolism (40). Alchinal is a preparation of three different substances includingEchinacea purpurea and A. sativum extracts and cocoa. It has been demonstrated that this preparation significantly decreases the number of adult forms and muscular larvae ofTrichinella spiralis. It was demonstrated that after Alchinal administration, the number of adult forms and muscular larvae of this parasite was significantly decreased (41). Garlic oil is effective against a wide range of microorganisms including Plasmodium spp, Trypanosoma spp, Leishmania spp, Giardia spp, and Cochlospermum planchonii(). Its aqueous extract has been shown to be effective against hymenolepiasis and giardiasis also (43). In an in vitro study the ethanol, dichloromethane and water extracts of A. sativum were shown to have anthelmintic activity against Haemonchus contortusfrom sheep. The ethanol extract was the most effective in decreasing larval count (44). Another study showed that garlic is effective against nematodes. Aqueous extract from garlic has good activity against Trichuris muris and Angiostrongylus cantonensis when followed by chloroform extract (45). Garlic is an ingredient of a mixture (Prepared from the extracts of coconut, onion, garlic, fig, date tree, chicory, ananas, and cistrose) testedin vivo and in vitro for its anthelmintic activity against cestodes (Hymenolepis diminuta, H. microstoma, andTaenia taeniaeformis) and trematodes (Fasciola hepatica, Echinostoma caproni). In all in vitro tests, the target parasites died. In addition, the same composition was effective against the intestinal fluke Echino caproni, but not against the liver fluke F. hepatica in the final host, while both worms were killedin vitro (46). Essential oil of A. sativum has paralytic effect on F. gigantica. The essential oil produced significant reduction in the frequency and the amplitude of the spontaneous muscular activity of whole fluke at 1 and 3 mg/ml concentrations (1). The extract of A. sativum also possesses mosquito larvicidal properties. It is effective against filarial mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus (after 24 hr treatment) (47), Cul. quinquefasciatus and Anopheles stephensi (48). Essential oil from A. sativum has acaricidal activity against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) tick larvae (49). The insecticidal activity of A. sativum against larvae of Aedes albopictus (Skuse)(50), Lycoriella ingénue (51), and Spodoptera litura (1000 ppm) has also been shown (11).
- Antiviral
A. sativum has been shown to have antiviral activity. In one study the virucidal activity of this plant was attributed to the following contents in this order: ajoene > allicin > allyl methyl > thiosulfinate > methyl allyl thiosulfinate (52). Also Allicin, the main constituent of A. sativum, has a variety of antimicrobial activities both in vitro and in vivo. Among the viruses which are sensitive to garlic extracts are the humanCytomegalovirus (HCMV), influenza B virus, Herpes simplex virus type 1, Herpes simplex virus type 2, Parainfluenza virus type 3, vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, and human Rhinovirus type 2 (10). One study showed that Allicin-containing supplements can prevent attacks by the common cold virus (53). The main antimicrobial effect of Allicin is due to its chemical reaction with thiol groups of various enzymes, e.g. alcohol dehydrogenase (10). In an In vivo study the administration of garlic in mice models protected them against intranasal inoculation with influenza viruses and enhanced the production of neutralizing antibodies when given the vaccine (7).
Ajoene, isolated from extracts of garlic may inhibit adhesive interaction and fusion of leukocytes (54). In a study investigating the effect of Allitridin (diallyl trisulfide, a compound from A. sativum extraction) on the replication of HCMV and the expression of viral immediate-early genes, it was revealed that this substance has anti-HCMV efficacy (55). In another study, it was supposed that the antiviral activity of garlic in humans may be secondary to a direct toxic effect on viruses. It also enhanced NK-cell (Natural killer-cell) activity that destroys virus-infected cells (7).
2. Cardiovascular effects
2. Cardiovascular effects
- Antihypertensive
A statistical study showed that individuals whose blood pressures are on the lower side are more likely to consume more garlic in their diets (56). Various epidemiologic studies have indicated an inverse correlation between garlic consumption and progression of cardiovascular disease (57). The authors are of the opinion that garlic is effective in treatment of mean systolic blood pressure but not d-penicillamine (58).
In one study the aqueous garlic extract (AGE) caused a decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia by direct mechanism not involving the cholinergic pathway, suggesting a likely involvement of peripheral mechanism for hypotension (59). Another study showed that AGE prevents oxidative stress, systolic blood pressure, aortic NAD(P)H oxidase activity and vascular remodeling in rats with metabolic syndrome (60).
It has been also shown that preparations of garlic may be tentatively used as an adjunct agent in treatment of arterial hypertension because of its hypolipemic and antioxidant properties (61). In vivo and in vitro ischemia reperfusion studies have shown that prophylactic administration of AGE prior to ischemia reperfusion inhibits lipid peroxidation and prevents depletion in glutathione through its compounds that led to functional recovery. Its ability to inhibit neutrophil migration could suppress fibrosis formation. These preventive effects are seen in studied model organs such as kidney and liver with functional recovery. Organ system specific activity such as angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibiting action contributes to a cardioprotective and blood pressure lowering effect of garlic (62). The authors are of the opinion that the blood pressure lowering effect of garlic in rats (two-kidney one-clip model) may be partly mediated through the nitric oxide (NO) pathway, by enhanced NO synthesis (63).
A study on the effects of two garlic sources has the potential to reduce systolic blood pressure. The effect of aged garlic extract was accompanied by a decrease of pulse pressure (PP), suggesting an improvement of the pliability of the artery, although raw garlic (RG) powder did not affect PP. However, harmful effects were observed in the RG group, including a decrease in erythrocytes, an increase in reticulocytes, and generation of papilloma in the forestomach (64). Another study showed that garlic is a potent vasorelaxant and could reduce the atherogenic properties of cholesterol (65).
A small pilot study indicated the potential ability of aged garlic extract to inhibit the rate of progression of coronary calcification (66). In a study garlic appeared to be a good adaptogen to be utilized in patients with coronary artery disease (67). One study indicated that increased intake of garlic has been associated with reduced mortality in cardiovascular patients or reduced incidence of myocardial
infarction, stroke, and hypertension (68).
Another study showed that garlic may beneficially affect two risk factors for
atherosclerosis--hyperlipidemia and hypertension (69).
One survey suggested that allicin lowered
intraocular pressure, in part, by dual actions at the neuroeffector junction (70).
Oxidative damage by free radicals has been implicated in the pathogenesis of
vascular disease in hypertension. Authors concluded that the total antioxidant
status can be significantly improved by treatment with garlic (71).
An in vivostudy
indicated that garlic blocks hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and demonstrated a
combination of endothelium-dependent and -independent mechanisms for the effect
in pulmonary arterial rings (72).
An in
vitro study showed
that intravenous administration of garlic extracts produced dose-dependent and
reversible hypotensive and bradycardic effects (73).
In One survey the authors are of the
opinion that although H2S (hydrogen sulfide) role in blood pressure regulation and
interaction with NO is controversial, H2S, through its anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
effects, has demonstrated significant cardioprotection. As a result, a number
of sulfide-donor drugs, including garlic-derived polysulfides such as diallyl
disulfide, diallyl trisulfide and S-ally cysteine, are currently being designed
and investigated for the treatment of cardiovascular conditions such as
hypertension (74, 75).
Stimulation of nitric oxide generation in endothelial cells seems to be the
critical preventive mechanism. Cardioprotective effects of dietary garlic are
mediated in large part via the generation of H2S. Garlic-derived organic polysulfides are converted by
erythrocytes into hydrogen sulfide which relaxes vascular smooth muscle,
induces vasodilation of blood vessels, and significantly reduces blood pressure
Progressive renal damage and hypertension
are associated with oxidative and nitrosative stress. On the other hand,
S-allylcysteine (SAC), the most abundant organosulfur compound in aged garlic
(AG) extract, has antioxidant properties. The effects of SAC and AG on blood
pressure, renal damage, and oxidative and nitrosative stress were studied. The
data suggested that the antihypertensive and renoprotective effects of SAC and
AG are associated with their antioxidant properties and that they may be used
to ameliorate hypertension and delay the progression of renal damage (77).
Daily treatment with 600 mg of Allicor (garlic powder tablets) has decreasing
effects on both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. It has been shown that
time-released tablets of Allicor are more effective in the treatment of mild
and arterial hypertension than regular garlic
additives (78).
Allicin within garlic tablets was shown to be the possible responsible
substance for the anti-hypertensive effect of the tablets. Other organo-sulfur
compounds may also have a role in the hypotensive mechanisms of garlic (6).
It was shown in a study that administration of garlic extract decreases
systolic and diastolic blood pressure only in hypertensive animals with no such
effect in normotensive ones (79).
Allyl methyl sulphide (AMS) and diallyl sulphide (DAS), two garlic derivatives,
are shown to inhibit migration and angiotensin II-stimulated cell-cycle
progression in smooth muscle cells of aorta. As a result, AMS and DAS may serve
as effective antioxidant compounds in the arterial structural changes caused by
hypertension (80).
Hepatopulmonary syndrome is characterized by the presence of portal
hypertension and dilated pulmonary capillaries. In a study, garlic powder and
iloprost inhalation demonstrated clinical improvements in the pre- and in the
post-transplant period (81).
Administration of moderate doses of garlic
along with propranolol has been shown to have beneficial effects in animals
with hypertension and myocardial damage (82).
Another study indicated that garlic in moderate doses with added
hydrochlorothiazide(HCTZ) possesses synergistic cardioprotective and
antihypertensive properties against fructose- and isoproterenol-induced
toxicities, by increasing the lactate dehydrogenase, creatinine phosphokinase,
superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in heart homogenate when used
concurrently or separately (83).
The influence of garlic on pharmacokinetics of HCTZ was studied. The
administration of HCTZ in garlic homogenate pretreated rats was found to
decrease the QRS duration, RR interval, QT segment, systolic blood pressure,
heart rate, serum potassium level, serum LDH and serum CK-MB activities
significantly. It was concluded that careful addition of garlic in moderate
doses might result in beneficial effect during treatment of hypertension in
patients with myocardial stress as garlic causes substantial fall in excretion
of potassium when compared to HCTZ alone treatment in rats (84).
One study represented that combination of garlic or its bioactive constituent,
S-allyl cysteine sulphoxide, and captopril exerted super-additive (synergistic)
interaction with respect to fall in blood pressure and ACE inhibition (85).
Another study showed that S-allyl-mercapto-captopril (CPSSA), a conjugate of
captopril with allicin, was effective in attenuating systolic and diastolic
blood pressures as well as significantly reducing glucose levels (86).
A comparable study between the effects of allicin and enalapril on blood
pressure (BP) showed similar effects, both of which reduce BP (87).
- Antiatherosclerotic
One study by Wang and Ng (1999) showed that garlic compounds
possess anti-atherosclerotic activity (88).
Also numerous animal studies have reported that garlic can have protective
effect against atherosclerosis (89).
Sulfur-containing volatiles from garlic are the principal compounds responsible
for such property and the most abundant volatile compound is diallyl disulfide
followed by diallyl trisulfide (90).
These active constituent(s) of garlic responsible for its anti-atherogenic
action are shown to be mostly present in the oily fraction of the plant (91).
Among these constituents, allicin is another compound that plays an important
role in anti-atherosclerotic activity of garlic. It is produced upon crushing
of the garlic clove. A pure allicin preparation may affect atherosclerosis not
only by acting as an antioxidant, but also by other mechanisms, such as
lipoprotein modification and inhibition of LDL uptake and degradation by
macrophages (92).
In a study, 112 patients (47 men and 65 women) 40 to 60 years of
age were examined. 56 patients had ischemic heart disease and/or equal
disorders. Another 56 patients were free of any signs of atherosclerosis, but
had one or more cardiovascular pathology risk factor. Six month therapy using
allicor results in moderate hypolipidemic and antioxidative effect. A dosage of
600 mg per day decreases ten-year chance of fatal cardiovascular complications
in patients with clinical signs of atherosclerosis, whereas in patients who
have no signs of atherosclerosis the complications are decreased with dosage of
300 mg per day (93).
Another survey indicated that garlic indirectly affects atherosclerosis by
reduction of hyperlipidemia. Moreover, in animal models, garlic causes direct
antiatherogenic (preventive) and anti-atherosclerotic (causing regression)
effects at the level of artery wall. It was suggested in one study that garlic
powder also manifests direct anti-atherogenic-related action not only in vitro but also in vivo (94).
Garlic's direct effect on atherosclerosis may be explained by its capacity to
reduce lipid content in arterial cells and to prevent intracellular lipid
accumulation. This effect, in turn, is accompanied by other atherosclerotic
manifestations, i.e., stimulation of cell proliferation and extracellular
matrix synthesis (95).
A study demonstrated that garlic reduces the atherogenic properties of
cholesterol (65).
As sited above, suppressed LDL oxidation may be one of the powerful mechanisms
accounting for the anti-atherosclerotic properties of garlic (96, 97).
In one study, intake of high-dose garlic powder dragees significantly reduced
the increase in arteriosclerotic plaque volume by 5-18% or even caused a slight
regression within the observational period of 48 months (98).
Fish oil and garlic combinations can serve
as good dietary supplements with anti-
atherosclerotic properties (99).
Other possible mechanisms for lipid lowering and anti-atherogenic effects of
garlic include inhibition of the hepatic activities of lipogenic and
cholesterogenic enzymes that are thought to be the origin for dyslipidemias,
increased excretion of cholesterol and suppression of LDL-oxidation (100).
In an in vitro study, the potential
anti-atherosclerotic property of moderate and high doses of garlic homogenate
(GH was significantly attenuated by propranolol and hydrochlorothiazide.
However, GH anti-hyperlipidemic activity was augmented by captopril (101).
Another study indicated that (egg yolk-enriched garlic powder) EGP inhibits
copper-induced LDL oxidation in a dose-dependent manner that might be ascribed,
in part, to the biodistribution of garlic compounds and egg yolk interaction.
This finding suggests that EGP might be useful in the prevention of
atherosclerosis (102).
- Antithrombotic
Garlic extracts and several garlic
constituents demonstrated significant antithrombotic actions both in vitro and in
vivo. Allicin and adenosine are the most potent antiplatelet constituents
of garlic (103).
A study suggested that odorless garlic not only activates fibrinolytic action
by accelerating (tissue-type plasminogen activator) t-PA-mediated plasminogen
activation, but also suppresses the coagulation system by down regulating
thrombin formation, suggesting a beneficial role in preventing pathological
thrombus formation in such cardiovascular disorders (104).
A study mentioned that aqueous extract of garlic inhibits platelet aggregation
induced by several aggregation agents, including arachidonate in a
dose-dependent manner (105).
Another survey indicated that garlic
extracts act through inhibition of the ADP (adenosine diphosphate) pathway.
Their mechanisms of action are comparable to that of the clinically used drug
clopidogrel. The pharmacologically active component of the extracts appears to
be lipophilic rather than hydrophilic (106).
One study mentioned that the aromatic thiosulfonate derived from garlic is a
very effective inhibitor of platelet aggregation (107).
Diallyl trisulfide (DATS) is one of the major constituents in garlic oil and
has demonstrated various pharmacological activities, such as antithrombotic (108).
DAT-rich garlic oil showed anticoagulant action due to inhibition and/or
inactivation of thrombin, in an animal study. In addition DAT-rich garlic oil
benefits blood anticoagulation factors, which might further prevent the
development of thrombus formation. However, the intake of garlic oil at high
dose significantly increased plasma fibrinogen concentration (P<0.05)
and affected the levels of several hematological
parameters such as erythrocyte count, hemoglobin and platelets (P<0.05).
Supplementation of garlic oil at 5 mg/kg BW had anticoagulation effect in this
study (109). It was shown in a survey that diallyl
disulphide (DADS) and DATS - are usual constituents of garlic oil, with
antiplatelet activity. They also inhibit platelet thromboxane formation. In
this respect DATS is more potent than DADS (110). The antiplatelet activity of methyl
allyltrisulfide (MATS), a component commonly present in steam-distilled garlic
oil, has also been demonstrated. MATS inhibits arachidonic acid cascade at the
reaction site with PGH synthase (111). In a study allicin and thiosulfinates
were considered as responsible compounds for the (in-vitro antiaggregatory activity) IVAA
response. It was also shown that the loss of activity, and the partial loss of
antithrombotic effect in crushed-cooked garlic may be compensated by increasing
the amount consumed (112). Authors mentioned that sulfur compounds’
contribution to the health promotion in allium species are produced via enzymic
and thermal reactions. Potent antithrombotic agents which have been identified
as allyl trisulfides, dithiins, and ajoene in garlic are thermochemically
transformed forms of allicin (allyl 2-propenethiosulfinate) (113). A study showed that allicin had the
strongest antiplatelet activity at 0.4 mM inhibiting aggregation by 89% (114). Ajoene is another potent antiplatelet
compound isolated from alcoholic extracts of garlic. It is suggested that
ajoene may be potentially useful for the acute prevention of thrombus formation
induced by severe vascular damage, mainly in arterial sites with low local
shear rates (115, 116). One study indicated that the
antiaggregatory effect of ajoene is causally related to its direct interaction
with the putative fibrinogen receptors (117). Another survey demonstrated that the
antithrombotic potential of ajoene is substantially increased in the presence
of physiologically and pharmacologically active antiplatelet agents (118). In a study, ajoene inhibited platelet
aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, adrenaline collagen, adenosine
diphosphate and calcium ionophore. The nature of the inhibition was
irreversible (119). It has been suggested that supplements
of garlic could adversely affect coagulation when taken alone or in combination
with antiplatelet medications (120). In a study coadministration of aged
garlic extract and cilostazol did not enhance the antiplatelet activity
compared with individual drugs (121). Another study suggested that aged garlic
extract is relatively safe and poses no serious hemorrhagic risk for closely
monitored patients on warfarin oral anticoagulation therapy (122).
Spolarich and Andrews mentioned that
patients undergoing routine dental and dental hygiene procedures do not need to
discontinue the use of anticoagulant and antiplatelet
medications (such as aspirin). However, alterations in drug use
may be required for those patients undergoing invasive surgical procedures. It
is recommended that herbal supplements, such as garlic, must be discontinued 2
weeks prior to receiving invasive surgical procedures (123).
- Blood factors
One survey mentioned that garlic has
antihyperlipidemic, hypocholesterolaemic and hypo triacylglyceride activities (124).
The hypoglycemic and hypolipidaemic effects of garlic have been shown in
sucrose fed rabbits also (125).
In one study, raw and boiled garlic improved plasma lipid metabolism and plasma
antioxidant activity in rats. Thus, dietary garlic was effective in reducing
the oxidant stress, which was indicated by an increase of antioxidant activity
and a decrease of lipids in the rats' blood (126).
In another study, garlic powder
significantly (P <
0.05) lowered the animal`s blood lipid levels (127).
Garlic has been shown to have applications as a hypoglycemic agent (128).
A study suggested a new mechanism for the hypolipidemic effect of fresh garlic.
Long-term dietary supplementation of fresh garlic may exert a lipid-lowering
effect partly through reducing intestinal MTP (microsomal triglyceride transfer
protein) gene expression, thus suppressing the assembly and secretion of
chylomicrons from intestine to the blood circulation (129).
Short-term garlic therapy in adults with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia
does not affect lipid levels (130).
In a study the water soluble protein fraction of garlic was investigated for
its effect on hyperlipidemia induced by alcohol (3.76 g/kg body wt/day). It
showed hypolipidemic action mainly due to an increase in cholesterol
degradation to bile acids and neutral sterols and mobilization of triacyl
glycerols in treated rats. Garlic protein (500 mg/kg body wt/day) showed
significant hypolipidemic action comparable with a standard dose of gugu-lipid
(50 mg/kg body wt/day) (131).
One study in 1984 showed that garlic oil has hypolipidemic effects in
ethanol-fed rats (132).
In another study, the water soluble proteins and the essential oil of garlic
were investigated for their hypolipidemic effect on hyperlipidemia induced by
cholesterol containing diet in albino rats. Both garlic protein (16% of diet)
and garlic oil (100 mg/kg body weight/day) exhibited significant lipid lowering
effects (133).
A survey mentioned that garlic methanol-extracts behave as hypolipidemic drugs,
increasing the activity of peroxisomal fatty acyl-coenzyme A oxidase and of
total carnitine acetyl-coenzyme A transferase in primary cultures of rat
hepatocytes (134).
In an in vivo study, garlic demonstrated a reduction
of lipid plaques in the arteries of
hypercholesterolemic animals. It decreased accumulation of
cholesterol in vascular walls, and had other positive interventions (135).
In one study, the glutathione reductase
activity that was lowered in hypercholesterolemic conditions, methemoglobin
concentration that was significantly increased in hypercholesterolemic rats and
significant fall in hepatic total thiols in hypercholesterolemia were partially
corrected by garlic. Similarly, the lowered activities of hepatic antioxidant
enzymes in hypercholesterolemic rats were effectively countered by this plant (136).
Garlic treatment significantly diminished
total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, but not HDL-cholesterol
in chronic nephrotic syndrome (NS). These data indicate that garlic treatment
ameliorates hyperlipidemia and renal damage in chronic NS which is unrelated to
proteinuria or antioxidant enzymes (137).
In a survey, hepatic triglyceride content that was significantly higher in
high-fat fed rats was effectively countered by inclusion of the hypolipidemic
spice agents such as garlic in the diet (138).
One study mentioned that garlic's
organosulfur compounds (such as diallyl trisulfide) display hypolipidemic
effects by inhibiting fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis (139).
Diallyl disulfide, an active principle of
garlic (A. sativum), is known for its antihyperlipidemic properties (140).
Water-soluble organosulfur compounds, S-allyl cysteine (SAC), S-propyl cysteine
(SPC) and S-ethyl cysteine (SEC), were studied. The results indicated that SAC,
SEC, and SPC inhibit lipid biosynthesis in cultured rat hepatocytes, and
further suggested that these S-alk(en)yl cysteines of garlic impair
triglyceride synthesis in part due to decreased de novo fatty acid synthesis resulting from
inhibition of fatty acids (141).
Allicin (diallyl disulphide-oxide) exerts various beneficial biological effects
such as antihyperlipidemic (142)
and hypoglycaemic actions (143).
Dietary garlic also reduces the cholesterol gallstone incidence by 15-39 % (144).
Action of long-acting garlic powder tablets (Allicor) have been investigated on
blood factors. The results show that allicor lowers total cholesterol, LDLP
cholesterol, raises HDLP cholesterol and therefore can be recommended for
correction of lipid content in patients with moderate hyperlipidemia (145).
A comparative study on the beneficial effects of garlic amla (Emblica Officinalis
Gaertn) and onion (A. cepa L) on hyperlipidemia showed that the order
of the curative effects of the vegetables is as follows: garlic > amla >
onion (146).
- Anticancer effects
study mentioned that phytoalexins have
been identified in at least 75 plants including garlic. Preclinical evidence
has suggested that these compounds possess anticancer properties including an
inhibition of cell proliferation, invasion and metastasis, hormonal
stimulation, and stimulatory effects on expression of metabolizing enzymes (147). Diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide
(DADS) and diallyl trisulfide (DATS) derived from garlic have been shown to
exhibit anticancer activities (148). The cytotoxicity caused by DATS is
mediated by generation of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and subsequent activation
of the ROS-dependent caspase pathway in U937 leukemia cells (108). DATS has been shown to induce apoptosis
in many human cancer cell linesin vitro and also affords significant
protection against cancer in animal tumor modelsin vivo i.e. colorectal cancer (149). Another suggested that DADS treatment
may inhibit tumor cell motility and invasion and therefore, act as a dietary
source to decrease the risk of cancer metastasis (150).
Recently, S-allylcysteine (SAC) has been
identified as a potent compound derived from garlic. This substance has in vitro chemo-preventive activity. It may also
be a promising candidate for prostate cancer treatment (151). Allicin (diallyl thiosulfinate), the
best-known biologically active component in freshly crushed garlic extract, is
effective on cell proliferation of colon cancer cells (152). A study indicated that the anticancer
action of aged black garlic extract may be partly due to its antioxidant and
immunomodulative effects (153).
- Anti-inflammatory effect
Garlic extracts have been shown to exert
anti-inflammatory effects (154). In one study, garlic treatment
significantly attenuated inflammation and injury of the liver induced byEimeria
papillata infections (155). The anti-inflammatory activity exhibited
by garlic oil is mainly through inhibiting the assembly-disassembly processes
of the cytoskeleton (156).
Other authors have shown the preventive
effect and possible toxicity of garlic oil and its organosulfur compounds in
endotoxin-induced systemic inflammation and intestinal damage (157). A lead compound derived from allicin is
shown to be a good starting point for the development of anti-inflammatory
drugs with fewer side effects (158).
One study indicated that thiacremonone, a
sulfur compound isolated from garlic, inhibits neuroinflammation and
amyloidogenesis through inhibition of NF-κB activity, and thus
could be applied for intervention in inflammation-related
neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease (159).
- Immunomodulatory effect
Immunomodulation is among innumerable
biological activities of A.
sativum. Aged garlic extract has been shown to have superior
immunomodula-tory properties over raw garlic extract (160).
This effect of garlic is attributed to the transformed organosulfur compounds (161).
Aged garlic fructans have recently been shown to possess immunomodulatory
activities in vitro (160).
Garlic extract is concentration-dependently effective on the proliferation of
interleukin (IL)-2 and interferon (INF)-γ gene expression of stimulated
lymphocytes (162).
Garlic extracts reduced macrophage infection through induction of nitric oxide
(NO) production In vitro (163).
A study demonstrated that immune-mediated
liver damage in mice can be prevented by allicin, probably because of its
immunomodulatory effects on T cells and adhesion molecules and inhibition of
NF-kappaB activation (164).
Another observation indicated that allicin exerts an inhibitory
immunomodulatory effect on intestinal epithelial cells and it may have the
potential to attenuate intestinal inflammation (165).
Allicin exerted an in vitro immunomodulatory effect on certain
functions of the peripheral blood cells (166).
The effectiveness of garlic may be in prevention rather than therapy. To obtain the preventative benefits of garlic, however, long-term supplementation may be necessary. Long-term use of supplements raises issues about toxicity. The general attitude of the public regarding safety is one of the important concerns associated with long-term use of any product. As mentioned previously, garlic preparations vary in constituents, necessitating toxicological tests of each product to ensure its safety. It is essential that safety be considered a major part of the quality control of all garlic preparations
Although garlic has been used safely in cooking as a popular condiment or flavoring and used traditionally for medicinal purposes, it is commonly known that excessive consumption of garlic can cause problems. Garlic odor on breath and skin (Mader 1990) and occasional allergic reactions (Siegers 1992) are recognized. Reports since 1932 have revealed the following adverse effects associated with raw garlic and garlic powder: 1) stomach disorders and diarrhea (Caporaso et al. 1983, Desai et al. 1990, Nakagawa et al. 1980); 2) decrease of serum protein and calcium (Miyamoto 1938, Shashikanth et al. 1986); 3) anemia (Katsunuma 1932, Kuzutani 1934, Nakagawa et al. 1980); 4) bronchial asthma (Lybarger et al. 1982, von Kirsten and Meister 1985); 5) contact dermatitis (Burden et al. 1994, Garty 1993, Lembo et al. 1991, McFadden et al. 1992, Mitchell 1980,Parish et al. 1987); and 6) inhibition of spermatogenesis (Dixit and Joshi 1982,Qian et al. 1986).
Oil-soluble sulfur compounds are known irritants and allergens; topically applied DAS is the most allergenic (Papageorgiou et al. 1983). Imada (1990) reported the following toxicity effects of garlic: 1) allicin is one of the major irritants in raw garlic; 2) oil-soluble sulfur compounds are more toxic than water-soluble compounds; and 3) when garlic is extracted in a certain period, its toxicity is greatly reduced.
Crushed raw garlic is high in allicin (3.7 mg/g) (Lawson et al. 1982). Enteric-coated garlic products are designed to deliver allicin (1–5 mg, depending on the product label claim) directly into the intestinal tract. However, allicin can be an oxidizing agent that not only impedes bacterial growth (Shashikanth et al. 1985) but also can damage the intestinal lining and the stomach (Kodera 1997). As shown in Figure 5, raw garlic juice (0.5 mL) caused significant damage to the epithelial mucosal membrane after 2 h in rats. After 24 h of exposure, ulcers, shrinkage and bleeding in the epithelial mucosa were detected. When three kinds of commercially available enteric-coated garlic preparations, i.e., Garlicin, Garlique and Garlinase 4000, were used at dosages of 133, 108 and 60.5 mg/rat, respectively, each caused severe damage to the duodenal mucosa after 2 h of exposure (Fig. 5). Saline controls showed no damage to ligated duodenums. According to this study, enteric-coated garlic powder products, which are designed to generate allicin in the delicate intestine, may be hazardous to the intestinal tract.
Effects of garlic on the intestinal mucosa of rats. Freshly prepared raw garlic juice (0.5 mL), high in allicin, injected into the ligated duodenum of rats (B) resulted in significant damage to the epithelial mucosal membrane after 2 hof exposure. Ligated duodenum exposed to saline alone (A) showed no damage. Three kinds of commercially available enteric-coated garlic preparations, i.e., Garlicin (C), Garlique (D) and Garlinase 4000 (E), were injected into ligated duodena at dosages of 133, 108 and 60.5 mg/rat, respectively. All of these products caused severe damage to the duodenal mucosa after 2 h of exposure.
On the other hand, a number of toxicological and clinical studies of AGE have been performed with no adverse effects. The safety of AGE has been well established by the following studies: 1) acute and subacute toxicity tests (Nakagawa et al. 1984a and 1984b, ⇓); 2) chronic toxicity test (Sumiyoshi et al. 1984); 3) mutagenicity tests (Yoshida et al. 1984); 4) general toxicity tests (Kanezawa et al. 1984, Nakagawa et al. 1980); 5) teratogenicity tests (Segments I, II, and III); 6) toxicity test conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; and 7) clinical studies conducted on >1000 subjects (Hasegawa et al. 1983,Kawashima et al. 1989, Steiner et al. 1996).
One of the active ingredients of garlic preparations, including AGE, is SAC. SAC is a very useful compound that has been well researched for its pharmacologic effects. The United States National Cancer Institute tested the toxicity of SAC vs. other typical garlic compounds and found that it has 30-fold less toxicity than allicin and DADS (Imada 1990). The 50% lethal oral dose for allicin in mice is as follows (mg/kg body): male 309, female 363; for DADS: male 145, female 130; and for SAC: male 8890, female 9390.
Documentation of safety and effectiveness are crucial in the evaluation of products used for health purposes, such as drugs and food supplements. As mentioned above, different garlic preparations comprise different constituents, which necessitates detailed toxicological and biological tests of each product to ensure safety and efficacy.
U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) and other organizations are developing a monograph dealing with garlic as part of a series on botanicals. USP did not list allicin as a reference standard in its garlic and garlic powder monograph (USP 1999). Label statements on dietary supplements must be based on science that can help consumers make informed decisions.
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Society for Nutritional Sciences.Journal of Nutrition. Intake of
Garlic and Its Bioactive Components.
(II) Annie's Remedy. 2005 –
2014.Garlic Allium sativum.
(III) Fenwick,
G. R. & Hanley, A. B. (1985) The genus Allium. Part 2. Crit. Rev.
Food Sci. Nutr. 22:273-377.
(IV) Integrative Medicine Communications.2000.Excerpt from Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.American Botanical Council.
(V) Kaku,
H., Goldstein, I. J., Van Damme, E.J.M. & Peumans, W. (1992) New
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