Common Names: Red Sorrel,Sorrel,
Florida cranberry, Rosella,Indian Sorrel
Scientific Name: Hibiscus
Roselle is an erect herbaceous, nearly smooth annual herb with straight,
prickly purple stems[i] under the family of
Malvaceae(1) .It grows from 1 to 2 meters high with deep penetrating
root.Its flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) insect
pollinated. The stem is reddish in color. Its leaves are
alternate, have long-petiole, palmately divided into 3-7, with serrate margin.
Capsules are ovoid, beaked and hairy 5cm long, 5.3 cm wide.(6)

Important Parts:
Flowers, borne singly in the leaf axils, are up to 5 in (12.5 cm) wide, yellow or buff with a rose or maroon eye, and turn pink as they wither at the end of the day.(9)
Seeds are kidney-shaped and covered with minute, stout and stellate hairs.(9)
Active constituents:
Hibiscus contains free acids, which
includes citric acid, maleic acid , and tartaric acid. It also contains
polysaccharides and flavonoid glycosides, such as cyanin and delphinidin that
gives it its deep red color characteristic. Steroid, hibiscin, tannin and
carbohydrates are also present.(8)
- Seeds are used as a decoction to cure earache, strangury (slow,
painful urination) mild dyspepsia, weakness and as an appetizer.(1)
- Infusion of leaves is used for dysentery, purgative,decreases blood
viscoscity, choloretic, febrifugal and hypotensive.
- Heated leaves fasten the maturation of skin ulcer, boil and applied
on sole cracks.(9)
- All plant parts have been used as an astringent, cooling agent,
- It also has antioxidant .antihyperlipidemic, hypocholesterolemic,
anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity.(2)(11)
Pharmacological Uses
- Antimicrobial
Hibiscus sabdariffa produced a
zone of inhibition on antimicrobial properties of E. coli (Escherichia coli),
K.pnuemonia, and S. typhi. Antimicrobial activity may be the result of phenolic
compounds including flavonoid present in the plant. The mean zones of
inhibition showed that Hibiscus sabdariffa L. exhibited a remarkable
antimicrobial activity and a low MIC against S. dysenteriae compared to other
test organisms.(10)
- Anticancer
Cancer cell apoptosis are caused by
anthocyanins. Its oxidative anti-oxidative activity is eveluated by their
effects on LDL (low Density Lipoprotein) oxidation in free cell system ans
anti-apopotic abilities.Study showed that anthocyanins present on Hibiscus
sabdariffa may be used in inhibiting LDL oxidation , acting as a chemopreventive
- Hepatoprotective:
Protective effects of dried flower extracts against oxidative stress in rat hepatocytes were demonstrated. Protocathechuic acid, which was extracted from H. sabdariffa, showed protective effects against cytotoxicity and genotoxicityof hepatocytes.(5)
Acetaminophen induced hepatic necrosis is due to large amount of intake of over-the-counter drug acetaminophen. Study showed that induced liver damage in mice using single dose (250 mg/kg) of acetaminophen and H. sabdarifa the possible protective effects of administration (100 mg/ kg) of the plant. The result suggested that these plants can act as hepatoprotective against paracetamol toxicity and that the mechanism by which they do this is by acting as oxidants.(4)
- Antioxidant activity
Study showed that the antioxidant and free radical scavering effects of two fractions of the ethonol extract, chloroform soluble fraction and ethyl acetate, were investigated and both scavenge hydrogen peroxide. the extracts showed inhibitory effects on superoxide anion radicals at 1000ug dose.
- Antihyperlipidemic
The inhibitory
effects of the plant extract on low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and
hyperlipidemia in fructose and cholesterol-fed rats was demonstrated. it showed
the the extract reduced the level of LDL-cholesterol compared to HDL-
- Antimotility
Inhibition of intestinal motility by menthol
extract in rats showed that a significant dose dependent relaxant on rat ileal
comparable to the effect shown by nifedipine and papaverin as reference compounds.
- Dye
Study showed that the use of H. sabdariffa for the differential staining effect on nuclear, cytoplasmic and other structures. Roselle extract therefore shows reasonable potential as a candidate nuclear stain especially when used with iron aluminum o potassium alum and acidified with acetic acid.(11)(12)
Median Lethal dose calyx extract in
rats is estimated to be higher than 5 g/ kg.(13) An experiment in rats using
dosage of up to 5 g/ kg daily over 12 weeks found a reduction of epidymal sperm
count, evidence of histological damage and disintegration of sperm cells.(14)
1. JC Kurian, 2010.Amazing Healing Plants
2. Trease and Evans,2010. Pharmacognosy
16th Edition
3. Ali BH, Al Wabel N, Blunden
G. Phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological aspects of Hibiscus
sabdariffa L.: a review. Phytother Res . 2005;19(5):369-375
4. Dahiru d, Obi OJ and Umaru H, 2003, Biochemistry.
Hibiscus sabdariffa extract enhances recovery from hepatic damage induced by carbon
5. Amin A, Hamza AA. Hepatoprotective
effects of Hibiscus, Rosmarinus and Salvia on azathioprine-induced toxicity in
rats. Life Sci . 2005;77(3):266-278.
6. (Orwa etal.2009) Agrofrestry Datbase 4.0
7. Jason Solomon, February 2013
CHEMICAL SCIENCES,Vol. 1 (3) Jul-Sep 2012, Phytochemical Properties and
Antioxidant Activity of Hibiscus sabdariffaLinn
9. Julia F. Morton In: Fruits of warm
10. Ewansiha J. U., 12 March, 2014. Evaluation of the
antimicrobial activity of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) leaf extracts and
its phytochemical properties
11. Roselle, October 2013
12. Egbujo, E. C. ; Adisa, O. J. & Yahaya, A. B.
Study of the Staining Effect of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on
the Histologic Section of the Testis
13. Hibiscus
14. N Mahadevan, Shivali and Pradeep
Kamboj, accepted 2008. Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. Overview.
Compiled by: Vic Anne Francis Giron
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very good!:)
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